Michael MacMillan (Keynote): Former Members of Parliament Speak Out on Canada’s Failing Democracy (SE...
What do former MPs have to say about the health of Canadian democracy? Not much good news, according to Michael MacMillan. In last week's...
Off Script: Road Map (OS1)
In the first episode of the Off Script podcast, we share some of our key findings from the MLA Exit Interviews, and plot the...
Off Script: Clarrie MacKinnon ‘How an MLA gets involved in those kinds of things’
Clarrie MacKinnon recounts the kinds of things he would end up doing when government services fell short of his constituents needs.
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Off Script: Eleanor Norrie ‘Where’s the Minister’
In this week’s story, former cabinet minister, and Truro-Bible Hill MLA, Eleanor Norrie, remembers what she describes as the all-too-frequent experience of showing up...
Off Script: Francene Cosman ‘Three Cheers for the Lady’
Here's the first of the Off Script 'prepisodes' - short anecdotes and stories that kept us laughing, captivated, and in suspense during the interviews,...
Off Script Podcast: Starting Up
We've collected over 75 hours of recorded content, from interviews with more than forty former MLAs. This fall, we'll begin releasing a weekly audio-documentary...